New Beginnings

This is my first post!

It doesn’t have much in it at the moment, but I’d like to thank the creator of this theme for allowing everyone to build on top of it. Since this is the first of its kind, I’d thought to leave some documentation on writing Jekyll posts for future reference.

The code can be found at this repository. It is running on Github-Pages and built using Jekyll and Ruby-on-Rails. Jekyll works as a renderer for markdown files where they are parsed and turned into a html file where github pages knows how to serve them.

To install and make a copy of this site, clone the website and use

bundle install

to install the packages and run with

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

to start the development server. By default, it is configured for github-pages. If you’d like to switch it back to locally hosted Jekyll, comment out the line in Gemfile.

The default header for each post is

layout: post
date: YYYY-MM-DD 00:00 +0000 
  - tag here
categories: jekyll update
usemathjax: true
comments: true